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What to Bring with You for Your First Day of Classes

August 10, 2023

1. Backpack

To carry everything around, you’ll need a large backpack. You may not need a huge amount on your first day, but there may be other days when you have multiple classes, each of which will have its own set of textbooks and may even require some specialized equipment. Bear this in mind when choosing a backpack.

2. Class Schedule

You’ll soon memorize your class schedule, but there’s no pressure to know it on the first day. It’s worth having a copy at hand during at least your first week. The last thing you want is to go to the wrong classroom or turn up at the wrong time.

3. Map of Campus

You’ll likely receive a map at some point, whether that’s a physical map or a file you can store on your phone. Make sure you have it somewhere accessible on your first day to ensure you can find your classes, the library, the cafeteria, and other essential places. It’s worth checking where you’re going the day before, but having a map is a useful backup in case you become disoriented.

4. Textbooks

The biggest items you’ll be lugging around will be your textbooks. You should acquire all of them before your first day because you may need them to follow along with your professor during class or to complete assignments for homework.

5. Notebooks

You should be writing notes throughout all your classes. Bring a dedicated notebook for each.

6. Stationery

Depending on how you like to take notes, you may want to bring pens in a variety of colours. In addition, you may need highlighters, pencils and an eraser to draw diagrams, and other stationery.

7. Laptop

If you prefer to type your notes, bring a laptop to your classes. It’s also useful to have a laptop on your first day if you’ll have breaks between classes that you’d like to use to start doing homework, check information, or complete other tasks.

8. Folders

Some of your professors may give you paper handouts. To store these in your backpack without crumpling them, bring at least one folder. You may like to have one folder for each class or just put everything in one folder and sort your papers when you’re back at your apartment.

9. Planner

You may have never used a planner before, but you’ll find it hugely useful when you’re at college: it’s a place to keep your schedule, due dates, and all sorts of details related to college life. It’s better to have a physical planner because you’ll likely find you pay more attention to it than if you store the information in your phone. Plus, there’s less of a risk something else will distract you when you’re checking it.

Something else that’s important to think about when you start college is where you’re going to live. You want to be close to your classes, but you’ll be more comfortable if you live off campus where you can have your own bedroom, a full kitchen, and plenty of space. You’ll find St Catharines student housing that meets all these requirements at Regent. It’s located downtown, a short distance from both Brock University and Niagara College.

Plus, we make your life easier by including all your utilities, WiFi, and gym access in the rent. Set up a tour to see the facilities for yourself.

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