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6 Self-Care Tips for a Healthy Summer

July 30, 2023

1. Create a Schedule

During the semester, you likely need to keep to a fairly rigid schedule of classes, extracurriculars, and other commitments. In contrast, you may have nothing in particular you need to do over the summer. This makes it easy to fall into the trap of having no routine, which can have an impact on your health and wellbeing. Simply setting a bedtime, a wake-up time, and mealtimes as well as scheduling regular workouts can be beneficial for your physical and mental health.

2. Have a DIY Spa Day

A spa day is one of the best ways you can relax, but attending an actual spa is out of most students’ budgets. Bring the spa to you by purchasing everything you need for a spa day at home. This is the perfect activity to do alone or with a friend. If you invite a friend to join, you could use face masks and have a manicure, whereas alone you can also have a bubble bath with a scented candle and some calming music.

3. Spend Time Outdoors

Take advantage of the warm summer days by spending as much time as possible outdoors. There are plenty of activities you can do on your own and with friends — from walks in the park to picnics. Whatever you do is great for your mental health, but it’s best of all if you use your time outdoors for exercise, as you’ll also see benefits for your physical health.

4. Write in a Journal

Make a habit of writing something in a journal every morning or evening. A great way to use your journal is to note down what you’re grateful for. This is helpful because it focuses your attention on the positive things in your life and stops you dwelling on aspects that are stressing you.

5. Make a Summer Playlist

Add all the songs that remind you it’s summer to a playlist. You should listen to this playlist whenever you need to lift your mood, if you want motivation for completing a task (such as some summer homework or chores), and to keep you energized when you’re going for a walk.

6. Find Activities for the Summer

Your hometown friends may be busy over the summer if they’re traveling, working, or taking internships. Instead of spending all your time alone at home, find things to do around your city. You could go to an outdoor movie screening, attend a festival, or even search for a volunteer opportunity. You’ll meet new people and maybe learn some new skills.

To continue practicing self-care back at university, it helps to have your own room, sufficient space, and a kitchen to prepare healthy meals. Whereas you won’t find any of this if you’re living in dorms, you will if you move into off-campus housing. An alternative to Brock University residence is Regent. You can study in your spacious suite, relax in your living room, or hang out with friends and roommates in the community room. Contact us today to set up a tour.

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