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Mastering the Art of Public Speaking as a Student

Since many careers involve an element of public speaking, universities tend to regularly encourage students to give presentations. However, many students find it stressful to talk in front of a group, even when it’s just a small number of people. Read more >

How to Network Over Summer Break

Summer is the time college students look forward to the most, as it’s a chance to recover from a hectic summer and focus on things other than schoolwork. However, it’s still worth using your summer break for activities that will bring you closer to meeting your goals. One thing summer is great for is networking. This doesn’t need to take up much time, but it will make a big difference after you graduate — if not before. Read more >

6 Qualities Companies Are Looking For in Recent Grads

Employers look at much more than GPA when considering if a recent grad would be a good candidate. In fact, only a minority of employers now screen candidates based on their GPAs. Instead, they’re more interested in particular skills and qualities that indicate that recent grads will be able to perform their work to a high standard and be valuable team members. Read more >

What’s In & What’s Out for Job Seeking in 2024?

If you’re struggling to land a job in 2024, the issue may be that you’re not taking trends for university students and new grads into account. Knowing what’s in and what’s out for job seeking will help you find a position that matches your values and helps you meet your goals. Here are some trends to consider. Read more >

6 Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

Many people think procrastination is the same as being lazy, but these are actually quite different things. Procrastination often means you are being productive — you’re just not focused on the task you should be doing. For instance, instead of studying, you may decide to clean your apartment, catch up on emails, or buy things you suddenly remember you need. The result tends to be cramming the night before a test or typing up an assignment as fast as you can to meet the deadline. Since this tends to lead to bad grades, stress, and a lack of sleep, it’s important to overcome procrastination — here’s how. Read more >